Monday, December 8, 2008

Usefull Questions on Asp.NET

What is the roll of JIT in

JIT convert Intermediate languge(IL) to machine code at run
time or at the point where the software is installed.

1)Pre JIT - JIT convert Intermediate languge(IL) to machine
code before compilation time

2)Eco JIT -JIT convert Intermediate languge(IL) to machine
code At the time of compilation

3)Normal JIT - JIT convert Intermediate languge(IL) to
machine code After the time of compilation

Types of caching. How to implement caching?

there are 3 types of caches is there they ara
1)page caching
2)page fragmentaion caching
3)data caching
in case of the page caching the total page will be cached
for certain amount of time(i.e the time will declared by
ourself)and in case of page fragmentation caching only a
part of the data will be cached for some amount of time
Data caching, which allows developers to programmatically
retain arbitrary data across requests

ASP.NET Caching Features
ASP.NET Web Applications


When clients access an ASP.NET page, there are basically
two ways to provide them with the information they need:

the ASP.NET page can either obtain information from server
resources, such as from data that has been persisted to a
database, or
the ASP.NET page can obtain information from within the
Retrieving information from a resource outside the
application will require more processing steps, and will
therefore require more time and resources on the server
than if the information can be obtained from within the
application space.

If the information that will be sent to the browser has
already been prepared by a previous request, the
application will be able to retrieve that information
faster if it has been stored in memory, somewhere along the
request/response stream.

Known as caching, this technique can be used to temporarily
store page output or application data either on the client
or on the server, which can then be re-used to satisfy
subsequent requests and thus avoid the overhead of re-
creating the same information.

Caching is particularly suitable when you expect to return
the same information in the same format for many different

ASP.NET provides the following types of caching that can be
used to build highly responsive Web applications:

Output caching, which caches the dynamic response generated
by a request.
Fragment caching, which caches portions of a response
generated by a request.
Data caching, which allows developers to programmatically
retain arbitrary data across requests.

What is the difference between an EXE and a DLL?
EXE file has Entry point, but in dll no Entry point.
EXE file is a excutable file which runs in a seperate
process which is managed by OS,where as a DLL file is a
dynamic link library which can be used in exe files and
other dll files.
In .net frame work both are assemblies.
EXE is a Self Executable File where as dll is not self
executable file,To run dll file we need a exe file

1)it has versioning
2)it is not self executable
3)it runs in application process memory
4)it has no entry point
5)it is reusable

1)it is self executable
2)it has no versioning
3)it runs in own memory
4)it have main function(Entry point)
5)it is self executable

Note:DLL is Superset of Exe

Which property on a Combo Box do you set with a column name,
prior to setting the DataSource, to display data in the
combo box?
DataTextField property

What is shadowing?

When two programming elements share the same name, one of
them can hide, or shadow, the other one. In such a
situation, the shadowed element is not available for
reference; instead, when your code uses the shared name,
the Visual Basic compiler resolves it to the shadowing
Shadowing through inheritance is hiding a method of a
base class and providing a new implementation for the same.
This is the default when a derived class writes an
implementation of a method of base class which is not
declared as overridable in the base class. This also serves
the purpose of protecting an implementation of a new method
against subsequent addition of a method with the same name
in the base class.

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